Trading cryptocurrency is a little different from trading other assets like stocks or commodities. While in most cases the operations are much the same, and even the indicators can be reused, there is one major difference which throws a lot of people at first. In this article, we’ll be talking about crypto-to-crypto trading pairs and explain… Continue reading Crypto trading pairs explained | What are they and how do you use them?
Category: Trading Orders
Trading vs investing: what’s the difference?
The terms ‘trading’ and ‘investing’ are often used interchangeably, but there are key differences between these two methods of attempting to profit from financial markets. Explore both trading and investing in our in-depth guide. Trading vs investing: an overview Trading and investing both involve taking a position on a financial market in order to profit… Continue reading Trading vs investing: what’s the difference?
What’s the difference between Bid and Ask?
Unsure about what we mean by bid and ask? This helpful article breaks it down for you. If you’re reading this article, you may have questions about how order books work and how what we mean by “bid” and “ask”. Thankfully, this is all pretty simple. Ask VS Bid An Ask An ask is the… Continue reading What’s the difference between Bid and Ask?
DCA Order
What is DCA? DCA stands for Dollar Cost Averaging, an investment strategy in which the total amount to be invested across periodic purchases of a target asset. The goal of DCA is to reduce the overall impact of volatility on the price of the target asset. How does it work on Tokenize Exchange? DCA feature… Continue reading DCA Order
How to use Stop Order?
There are multiple order types available on Tokenize Xchange. In this helpful article, we walk you through how to use Stop Orders. One of the order types you’ll see in the form on Tokenize is Stop Order. What is a Stop Order? A Stop Order is a Market order to be executed when the market… Continue reading How to use Stop Order?
Buy Order
Here is a step-by-step guide on how to buy your cryptocurrency on Tokenize Xchange. Content: Selecting Market Selecting Market and Coin to buy Buying 3.1. Limit Buy 3.2. Market Buy Confirming Order View your order Cancel Buy Order Step 1. Go to Market Select Market on your dashboard. You will see this page. Step 2.… Continue reading Buy Order
Express Order
Go to Express Trading page After logging in to your Tokenize account, click on Trade at the top left -> Express The below Page will appear and you scroll down: You will be able to select the token type you like to trade under I want to buy/ I want to sell Both SGD and… Continue reading Express Order
Sell Order
Here is a step-by-step guide on how to sell your cryptocurrency on Tokenize Xchange. Content: Selecting Market Selecting Market and Coin to sell Selling 3.1. Limit Sell 3.2. Market Sell Confirming Order View your order Cancel Sell Order Step 1: Go to Market Select Market on your dashboard. You will see this page. Step 2: Selecting… Continue reading Sell Order
How to cancel a previous bid order?
Here is a step-by-step on how to cancel your pending bid orders. Step 1: Go to website: At the top right corner of the page, click on “Orders” and select “Spot Orders“. Step 2: Click on “Pending Orders” to view all of your pending orders. Each order will show detailed information such as Date,… Continue reading How to cancel a previous bid order?
How to monitor trading activities on Tokenize Xchange?
Here is a step-by-step on how to monitor your trading activities. Step 1: Go to website: At the top right corner of the page, click on “Orders” and select “Spot Orders“. Step 2: Click on “Pending Orders” to view all of your pending orders. Each order will show detailed information such as Date, Market,… Continue reading How to monitor trading activities on Tokenize Xchange?